Rumors are flying that your fav auto-duo were served with the ol’ C&D, the grail of streetwear clout. Nope. A little finger wagging from the execs, sure, but still no word from the law offices of Such and Such. So we’re back for round two, leveling up with totally comfy tops, bottoms, and puff print in all the right places.
Introducing the Luft Jordan flea market sweats: a Donuts and Drip x Joshy Robots joint. Available Sunday 4/30 at 9am PDT, wherever finer bootlegs can be found.

Bartman of the bodega. MJ on the way to the mall. Even if you’re not technically flying, you will look fly as hell. We’re back for round two, leveling up with totally comfy tops, bottoms, and puff print in all the right places.
The Luft Jordan flea market sweats: a Donuts and Drip x Joshy Robots joint. Available worldwide at joshyrobots.com.